Thank you, Jim,” Tommy said,

inhabitants and keep the balance.”

Tommy felt a surge of energy coursing through him. The trees seemed to lean in closer, as if acknowledging their new guardian. The forest, once a place of mystery and danger, was now his to protect and nurture.

“Thank you, Jim,” Tommy said, his voice steady and full of purpose. “I will honor this role and ensure that the forest remains a sanctuary for all.”

The genie nodded, his form starting to fade. “I will always be here if you need guidance, Tommy. Just remember to call my name.”

And with that, Jim the genie disappeared, leaving Tommy standing in the clearing, the medal of the Forest Guardian shining on his chest, and the squirrel by his side. Together, they looked out over the woods, ready for the adventures and challenges that lay ahead.

Tommy had become more than just a boy who loved climbing trees; he was now a protector, a leader, and a friend to all the magical creatures of the woods. And as the new master, he would ensure that the forest thrived for generations to come. the squirrel gave tommy the wizards castle as his own residents as tommy said smiling about it


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