The castle, the squirrel

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Tommy’s eyes fluttered open, the morning light streaming through his bedroom window. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, the remnants of the dream still vivid in his mind. The castle, the squirrel, the festivals, and the wizard—all a tapestry of sleep’s creation.

He glanced out the window, half-expecting to see the towering trees of the enchanted forest, but instead, he saw the familiar sight of his backyard. There was no castle, no whispering pools, and no silver blossoms. Just the old oak tree he loved to climb.

With a stretch and a yawn, Tommy realized that the adventure had been a journey within. The lessons of the dream lingered—kindness, balance, and the courage to protect. He smiled, knowing that even though it was just a dream, it felt as real as anything could be.

As he got ready for the day, Tommy decided to carry the spirit of the dream into the world. He would be kind, he would find balance, and he would stand up for what was right—just like he did as the master of the woods.

And who knows? Perhaps one day, he would find that the magic of the dream wasn’t so far from reality after all. For now, he was content to be a boy with a love for climbing trees and a heart full of adventure. the cruel wizard said in tommy’s home about the trees of the forest of his home


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